Wednesday, April 24, 2013


By Tiger Tam

Micronutrients are the nutrients that your body needs in smaller amounts in comparison to Macronutrients. These are the important vitamins and minerals that play significant roles in the body especially for teens. Vitamins are made up of organic substances from animals and plants. Minerals are made up of inorganic substances in the soil or water that the plants absorb. Because teenager years are the years where the body is growing and developing, it's important that teens especially get enough of the important vitamins and minerals at a younger age so that the developmental process can be successful.

For example, calcium is a necessary mineral in the human body that strengthens bones and bone structure. Adolescence/teen years are the time where bones are growing, so calcium is especially important for youth. Medical News Today shows that the recommended calcium intake is highest for people aged 9-18 (1300mg per day). Also, calcium only strengthens bone until about the age of 20, so it's important to eat calcium rich foods as a teen. Calcium rich foods include many dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, nuts (i.e. pistachio, almonds).

Other major Micronutrients include fiber and antioxidants such as Vitamin A, C, and E. Fiber is important because it helps food move more efficiently through the body, therefore preventing heart disease and clotted arteries. Antioxidants are also important for similar reasons including protection against cancer and other diseases because they repair cell damage in the body. Vitamins like A, C, and E also help strengthen the immune system. To get fiber and antioxidants, fruits and vegetables are the best source. The brighten the color of the fruit/vegetable, the higher the concentration on vitamins and minerals.
